We have … cutting boards!

Recipes selected for the Turfheads Guide to Grilling will receive something they can put to great use. Deadline is Nov. 17.

Shirts. Hats. Coolers. Golf balls.

If you have worked in golf industry long enough, you have a closet or desk filled with “traditional” swag. It’s time to introduce something unique to the industry – but we’re going to make you work for it.

As part of the #TurfheadsGrilling campaign sponsored by AQUA-AID Solutions, Golf Course Industry is distributing 12x17 maple cutting boards for recipes with accompanying imagery selected for publication in the debut “Turfheads Guide to Grilling” appearing in the sixth annual December “Turfheads Take Over” issue. Recipes and high-resolution images can be submitted by CLICKING HERE or via email to editor-in-chief Guy Cipriano at gcipriano@gie.net. In addition to being eligible to earn a cutting board, everybody who submits a recipe will receive a #TurfheadsGrilling koozie.

Established in early 2021, #TurfheadsGrilling honors the connectivity and creativity demonstrated through grilling, smoking and barbecuing. The program is designed to inspire turfheads to celebrate the camaraderie outdoor cooking provides.

Follow @GCIMagazine and @Solutions4Turf and use #TurfheadsGrilling to join the conversation on Twitter. Everybody in the industry is encouraged to participate in the program and submit a recipe.

Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, Nov. 17.