Nufarm introducing new Poa-focused herbicide

Velocity PM is designed to provide optimized Poa transition throughout the spring, summer and fall.

Nufarm will soon launch a new solution for transitioning a Poa-mixed stand back to purer turf: Velocity Poa Management Herbicide.

Available starting in March, Velocity PM was developed and formulated to support golf courses with a tool for gradually and selectively removing postemergence annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and roughstalk bluegrass (Poa trivialis) while also reducing Poa annua seedhead production and suppressing dollar spot. Velocity PM’s effective, easy-to-follow Poa Management Program, optimized for the spring, summer and fall, provides flexibility to customize the transition program of your choice for your situation and the desired speed of conversion, allowing for more uniform turfgrass transition at your pace.

“Velocity PM has generated an overwhelmingly positive response from superintendents who are looking to effectively manage Poa annua on their fairways and tees through a transition program,” Nufarm golf segment lead Jeff Eldridge said. “With Velocity PM, turfgrass managers can optimize their Poa transition program to suit their course needs.”

Velocity PM is effective on creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and dormant bermudagrass, and is labelled for golf course fairways and tees, commercial and residential turfgrass, athletic fields and sod farms. With a low use rate, Velocity PM equips turfgrass managers with an efficient and economical tool for Poa removal while being tank-mix compatible with PGRs, fertilizers and fungicides. Velocity PM also adds control of numerous broadleaf weeds.

Nufarm also showcased Velocity PM Herbicide at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show in Phoenix.