New GIS format is promising

Conferences take place early and late in the week with a Wednesday-Thursday trade show schedule.

The Golf Industry Show debuted its new format this year, in which the presenting partners moved their education conference schedules so all events take place on weekdays. The 2010 GIS is presented by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA) and Club Managers Association of America (CMAA).

GCSAA and CMAA kicked off their education conferences on Monday, Tuesday and will wrap them up tomorrow; CMAA hosted the beginning of its conference on Monday, Tuesday – it will resume Friday and end Saturday. The trade show took place yesterday and today with virtually no competing events. The move was in response to member and exhibitor desires to preserve more of their weekends and avoid competing time slots.
What have the results been? In a year that many were anticipating a down show due to a down golf market and a financially difficult 2009, activity on the show floor appeared good after day one.
Suppliers’ booths and the trade show floor itself were busy on day one.
“I really like the new two-day format,” said Reinie Drygala, manager of lawn care for CIVITAS from Petro Chemical. “It’s great not to have any competing events.