Audubon International approaches Earth Day in growth mode

Golf and certification memberships rising, rate hikes coming this summer.

With Earth Day fast approaching, Audubon International, the environmentally focused non-profit reports growth in first-time membership and recertification applications across its six flagship programs, including Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP) for Golf, Green Lodging, Green Hospitality, and Signature Sanctuary.

Land stewardship, alternative energy development and global climate change are tops for business-sector decision makers.

“We continue to celebrate our 35th anniversary as a leader in implementing, teaching, and championing sustainability practices for outdoor spaces ranging from golf courses to parks to cemeteries, and indoor spaces such as hotels and corporate buildings,” CEO Christine Kane said. “We are seeing a solid increase in certification and recertification applications, and Earth Day is the perfect time for golf course and resort operators in particular to join us in planning and implementing a more sustainable future for their businesses, and the planet.”

Led by Frank LaVardera, director of environmental programs for golf, and Kat Welch, director of signature sanctuary certification, Audubon International’s team of environmental specialists have dozens of site visits across the United States on their spring dockets, mostly for recertifications. The recent addition of an all-encompassing Signature Sanctuary Platinum level for new and redesigned golf courses, as well as their clubhouses and lodging components, has also increased interest in achieving and maintaining the independent, third-party certification that Audubon International offers.

“By partnering with Audubon International and leading their properties through the certification journey, owner-operators are finding that being green can actually help, rather than hurt, the bottom line,” said COO Fred Realbuto, who directs Green Lodging and Green Hospitality certification programs and who added that planned enrollment and recertification rate increases for those programs are coming this summer. “That’s a huge paradigm shift.”