Anuvia, Audubon partner for multi-year study of sustainable golf practices

Study will evaluate the environmental, sustainability and performance benefits of fertilizer for golf courses.

Anuvia Plant Nutrients and Audubon International have launched a partnership that will include a multi-year study to evaluate the environmental, sustainability and performance benefits of Anuvia’s bio-based GreenTRX fertilizer for golf courses that are involved in Audubon’s Cooperative Sanctuary Program. They will mutually promote environmentally sustainable property management practices for businesses and communities.

The ACSP is an award-winning educational and certification program that helps golf courses protect the environment and preserve the game’s natural heritage. Through partnerships with communities and businesses, Audubon International provides assistance helping to ensure healthy environments, quality of life for people and economic vitality.

“This represents a great beginning to a long-term relationship,” Anuvia chief commercial officer Hugh MacGillivray said. “The joint research will allow us to scientifically document and practically demonstrate the positive environmental impact of using our product. GreenTRX already is an important component in many golf course management programs that enhance land, water, wildlife and other natural resources that make golf courses a valuable asset to communities.”

Audubon International ACSP was created as concerted efforts to enhance the valuable natural areas and wildlife habitats that golf courses provide, improve efficiency and minimize potentially harmful impacts of golf course operations. The program serves an important environmental role worldwide. Audubon International has developed Standard Environmental Management Practices that are generally applicable to all golf courses. These standards form the basis for ACSP for Golf certification guidelines.

“We welcome the opportunity to work with Anuvia on this initiative to further our efforts to add value to ACSP certified partner golf businesses and communities,” Audubon International CEO Christine Kane said. “Our common goals with this partnership will help both Anuvia and Audubon International lead in and promote conservation, education and stewardship of our environment.”

Additional goals for the Anuvia-Audubon partnership include:

  • Providing tools to implement and promoting sustainable practices within local communities and within the golf course industry.
  • Protecting and enhancing land, water, wildlife and other natural resources by engaging in efforts that align with the three E’s of sustainability: economy, environment and social equity.
  • Using scientific information to guide the development and implementing programs and products.

The two organizations will recruit a panel of science advisors to advise on the study’s design, research techniques and goals. Following the input of the scientific panel, the three-year study will examine Anuvia’s GreenTRX bio-based fertilizer and its applications to green spaces in association with Audubon’s business partners.